San Juan de Gaztelugatxe: Dragonstone landscape photography

The Basque Country is one of the most beautiful areas in the north of Spain, and among lots of impressive things to visit, there is San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, an island with a church on the top of it, known around the world thanks to being Dragonstone in Game of Thrones. A perfect place for a sunset or sunset, and especially interesting for those who like landscape photography. Welcome to the San Juan de Gaztelugatxe photography guide!

Would you like to know how to make the most out of your visit to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe?

This used to be a non-super-popular spot, back in the days before HBO and Game of Thrones decided to use it as a location for Dragonstone. Since then, tourists have been flooding the area. I understand everyone wants to see this beautiful spot, but here you have some tips to avoid crowds and enjoy your time in San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, taking amazing photographies, either using a camera or a smartphone.

At the end of the list, I will give you some 2020 COVID tips, as well as the link to the reservation site, as it is essential to book a slot. Otherwise, you’ll have to admire the island and the church from the distance. Enjoy this San Juan de Gaztelugatxe photography guide.

1. Dress appropriately

To reach the small church at the top of the island, it is necessary to climb 241 stairs. Moreover, the stairs are at the end of a steep path (steep for me, someone used to hiking) made of cobbles.

Therefore, I strongly recommend you to wear good shoes. No flip flops, no sandals, and if it is raining, beware of the rocks, it will get very slippy. During summer, when most people visit, it can be quite warm, so a hat or a cap can be very useful. Sunscreen can save you from looking like a lobster for one week, so use it.

Views from Gaztelugatxe by aniolvisuals
View from the top of the island

2. Avoid peak hours

Booking a slot is necessary if you are visiting the area from 10 am until 7 pm. I would try to visit before or after these hours, and if it is not possible, at least avoid the 12h-16h window. Not only it is very crowded, but also it is when temperatures are higher.

For the true photographers, adjust your visit to the sunrise or sunset. Both are good for taking photos, as the sun sets next to the island and rises in front of it, giving good light in both situations. If it is cloudy, don’t worry, long exposures with clouds make one of the most beautiful photos in San Juan.

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe Sunset by aniolvisuals
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe sunset view

3. Respect the environment

It is very common to see how tourists make locals stop visiting some areas. I have a similar feeling in my city, and I try to avoid visiting popular places at peak hours, not only because of the number of people but because of the noise, behaviour,…

Moreover, this is a natural space, don’t throw trash, and overall, respect the indicated paths. Some time ago it was possible to access some extra viewpoints, from where impressive photos can be taken. I know some of them, and it makes the difference, but don’t take paths that you don’t know. If you have checked some of my other guides, you will realise this is something I repeat a lot, but please, respect the environment.

Sunset at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe by aniolvisuals
San Juan with sunset colors

4. Tides are important

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe is an island, only united by a stone bridge to the mainland. Although both during low tide and high tide the island can be visited, if possible, choose low tide to admire the world-famous flysch area. There are some impressive beaches that offer better views, but if this is your only chance to view it, it is worth it.

Tides can be checked online, just search for tides basque country or if you want to be more specific, the nearby villages of Bakio and Bermeo have specific forecasts.

San juan de gaztelugatxe by aniolvsuals
Low tide at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

5. COVID 2020 tickets update

During these difficult times, San Juan de Gaztelugatxe has adapted to the circumstances. Nowadays face masks are a must in the Basque Country, and police can fine you with up to 100€ for not wearing them. To make sure the flow of people is controlled, slots for visiting San Juan de Gaztelugatxe have been reduced.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to visit it if you don’t book a slot online, so better check the official website (here) and get your tickets. It is 100% free, just to control the capacity.

san juan de gazelugatxe catedral by aniolvisuals
Views from San Juan de Gaztelugatxe at sunset

Visit San Juan, you will not regret it! Hope you enjoyed this San Juan de Gaztelugatxe photography guide. If you want to see more of my work in San Juan de Gaztelugatxe or any other of my trips, visit my Instagram! If you have any question, or you want to use my photos, contact me via the contact form or

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